
Main organizers of event:

VŠĮ „Sportbalt“, Druskininkai City Municipality

VŠĮ club „Instinktas“, Vilnius City Municipality

Žagarė Regional park, Sport club „Žvelgaitis“

Sport club „Vilimeksas“, Ignalina City Municipality

Sport club „Vėtrungė“, Anykščiai District Municipality




  1. Aim

1.1. To contribute to the promotion of healthy lifestyle and active leisure time in Lithuania. To promote bicycle as ecological means of transport. To be environmentally friendly. To unite people that actively exercise and people that like spending time on a bike in an organised manner. To popularise bicycles and bicycle sports in Lithuania. To turn cycling marathons into mass, traditional, international events.

  1. Race organisers, place, time

2.1. Competition is organized by:

  • VŠĮ „Sportbalt“, Druskininkai
  • VŠĮ club „Instinktas“, Vilnius
  • Žagarė Regional park, Žagarė
  • Sport club „Vilimeksas“, Ignalina
  • Sport club „Vėtrungė“, Anykščiai

2.2. Date and place of race:

  • I stage – Druskininkai, Aerodrome of Druskininkai, 19th of May, 2019*
  • II stage – Vilnius, Saulėtekis Stadium, 16th of June, 2019
  • III stage – Žagarė, Manor House of Žagarė, 21st of July, 2019
  • IV stage – Ignalina, Summer Estrada, 11th of August, 2019
  • V stage – Anykščiai, Hippodrome of Niūronys, 22nd of September, 2019

* On the occasion of season opening, a bicycle fair will take place on 19h of May, 2019.

2.3. Race time:

  • Kindergarteners group starts at 10:30 h, children under 10 years old start at 11:00 h, the main start of the marathon is at 12:00 h, the IIIrd (Žagarė) stage start times are one hour later (11:30, 12:00 and 13:00 respectfully)

2.4. Registration and issuing of the start kit:

  • At the location of start – on the eve of the marathon from 16:00 to 18:00 h
  • On the day of the marathon – from 9:00 to 11:30 h
  1. Participants

3.1. All Lithuanian and foreign athletes, amateur women, men, and children can participate in the race.
Classification by group:

DistanceGroupName of group
3 laps (60-75km)SportMenM19, M30, M40, M50
Young menM18
2 laps (40-50km)SportSenior menM60
WomenW19, W30, W40, W50
Young menM16
Young womenW16, W18
AmateursMen and womenMėgėjų
1 lap (20-25km)SportSenior menM70
Senior womenW60
Leisure TimeMen and womenLaisvalaikio
Children lap (3-5km)Children from 7 to 10 years oldBoysVB10
Kindergarteners lap (~1km)Kindergarteners under 6 years oldBoysVB6


Description of group Name of groupHonouring / awarding
Kindergarteners born in 2013 and youngerVB6 / VM6All participants of the group are awarded. First 3 participants to complete the route on balance bikes are awarded separately.
Boys born in 2009 – 2012VB10First 3 positions are awarded at every stage.
If the group consists of less than 5 participants, they are transferred to the higher group.
Girls born in 2009 – 2012VM10
Boys born in 2006 – 2008M13
Girls born in 2006 – 2008W13
Boys born in 2003 – 2005M16
Sports Seniors born in 1950 in 1959M60
Sports Seniors before 1949 inclusivelyM70
Young Men born in 2001 – 2002M18First 3 positions are awarded at every stage + prizes of the absolute standingsof all stages. If the group consists of less than 5 participants, they are transferred to the higher group.
Sports Men born in 1990 – 2000M19
Sports Women, born in 1990 – 2000W19
Girls born in 2003 – 2005W16
Young Women born in 2001 – 2002W18
Women born in1980 – 1989W30
Women born in 1970 – 1979W40
Women born in 1960 – 1969W50
Women born before 1959 inclusivelyW60
Sports Men, born in 1980 – 1989M30
Sports Seniors, born in 1970 – 1979M40
Sports Veterans born in 1960 – 1969M50
Amateurs – various ageAmateursOnly marathon participant’s diploma
Beginners – various ageLeisure time

*- the precise marathon distance is announced not less than 2 weeks before the date of the specific stage.

3.2. Participants of a lower group can register in a higher group.

  1. Ensurance of safety and participant liability

4.1. When registering for the race a participant confirms that he/she has read these provisions and understands them, unconditionally agrees with their content and undertakes to implement them.

4.2. When registering a participant confirms that he/she knows that it is sports race which is a huge test of person’s physical abilities and that he/she may experience injuries, as well as injuries that may result in disability, long-term loss of health and ability to work or even death, and that he/she understands the degree of risk of participation in sports race to himself/herself and his/her private property.

4.3. Underage (under 18 years old) participants, upon receiving the start kit, have to provide a written consent of parents or guardians allowing them to participate in the race and at the same time agreeing with these provisions p. 4.1. Consent Form Template.
Heads of the teams or their trainers take full responsibility for the minors representing sports schools or teams.

4.4. Participant confirms that he/she is sufficiently trained (knows how to ride a bike and knows the traffic rules for cyclists), that he/she is healthy and has no reasonable prohibitions of qualified medical specialists forbidding him/her to complete the chosen distance in this bicycle race. The participant waives any claims to the organisers related to the matters of his/her health or life.

4.5. The participant confirms that he/she knows that the bicycle race route may cross roads with traffic and he/she confirms that the traffic rules shall be followed.

4.6. The participant undertakes that during the race his/her behaviour shall not cause danger to life, health and property of other participants, organisers and third parties, as wells as to the environment.

4.7. The participant takes full responsibility for possible incidents in the race (including but not limited to falls, injuries, collisions with spectators, animals, parked or moving means of transportation, other road equipment (structures) or objects located on the route) as well as possible health issues directly or indirectly related to the participation in the race.

4.8. It is mandatory for the participants to wear helmets.

4.9. Participants are prohibited from using motorised bicycles.

4.10. Participants have to complete the entire marked route in accordance with the group of registration.

4.11. Any additional assistance (accompanying, pushing of the child’s bike, etc.) in the group of 7-10 year old children is forbidden.

4.12. Children in the group under 6 years of age have to cross the finish line independently. If the child is incapable of completing the route and he/she receives assistance, his/her result is placed after the result of the last child that independently completed the route.

4.13. The following disciplinary measures may be imposed on the participants that violate these above mentioned conditions in accordance with the manner of violation: warning, disqualification for one stage, disqualification for the season, permanent disqualification.

4.14. EMERGENCY phone number (8 690 222 21) shall be printed on every participant’s race bib. In case of an accident this phone number may be used to call the emergency to the place of accident.

  1. Registration of participants


Method 1

Online registration for all 5 stages that ends 4 days before the first stage

Method 2

Online registration for one stage that ends 4 days before the first stage

Method 3
Registration on the day of the race at the start/finish location from 9.00 h to 11.30 h or on the eve from 16.00 to 18.00 h
M19, W19, W31, M30, M40, M50, W30, W40, Mėgėjų, Laisvalaikio80,- € 5 stages**20,- €25,- €
M13, W13, M16, W16, M18, W1840,- € 5 stages10,- €12,- €
M60, W60, M70, VB10, VM10, VB6, VM6Without feeWithout fee2,- €

Pre-registration is available before (inclusively):



Method 1

Online registration for all 5 stages that ends 4 days before the first stage

Method 2

Online registration for one stage that ends 4 days before the first stage

Method 3
Registration on the day of the race at the start/finish location from 9.00 h to 11.30 h or on the eve from 16.00 to 18.00 h

* Starting number is provided in accordance with the result of the previous stage only when registering by method 1 or 2.

** The paid starting fee cannot be transferred to another participant, except in the circumstances listed in clause 5.5.

5.1. The starting fee consists of: start kit (participant’s race bib with electronic results registering sensor, souvenirs set up by sponsors, and food stamp), marked race route, catering point in the middle of the route, capture of the participant’s route finishing time and depiction in the results, catering after the race, bicycle wash (where technically possible), medical assistance, award of prize-winning positions.

5.2. When registering online in advance the participant gets the starting number in accordance with the results of the past stages – by assessing the participant’s ranking* (higher ranking– lower starting number). The organisers reserve the right to make a decision with regard to professional athletes or to give the honourable guests of the marathon the starting number at their own discretion. Starting number gives the right to start at the appropriate starting point. The participant may change decision to complete full or half marathon only before the end of each stage’s pre-registration which was done using method 1 or 2 – the change can no longer be made 3 days before the race or on the day of the race – it is obligatory to re-register and to pay the starting fee again.

5.3. For sports schools a discount of 50% is determined if not less than 5 participants are registered. The registration is done online in general order by marking that they are participants of a sports school in the form.

5.4. * Participant’s rankings are determined separately for full and separately for half marathon distance. Ranking = the best time of the participant that completed the prior stage is divided from a specific participant’s time (if the participant did not participate in/did not complete the previous stage or if his/her ranking is lower, a ranking of an even earlier stage is used, multiplied by 0.9, etc.)

5.5. The paid participant’s fee cannot be refunded, accepted for another participant or transferred to a different stage, except in cases when the participant was unable to participate because of health issues and he/she has informed the organisers before the end of the pre-registration to the stage (copy of medical certificate has to be submitted).

5.6. When registering the participant has to provide accurate data on his/her name, surname and date of birth. Lithuanian names and surnames have to be written in Lithuanian characters using uniform symbols marking punctuation and spaces.

5.7. Participant’s registration details – name and surname – are not changeable, but at the participant’s request grammar mistakes can be corrected. Correction of mistakes before the end of the pre-registration is free of charge. After the end of the pre-registration or on the day of the race only correction of name or surname is allowed; price 10 Eur.

5.8. Participants registering on the day of the start receive a successive number after all the participants that registered in advance. At the request of the participant, the organisers can give permission for the participant to start from the starting position belonging to him/her according to the ranking. The cost of this additional service is 15 Eur.

5.9. Participants that incorrectly provide the data on their date of birth or gender and classified in the incorrect age group because of it are disqualified.

5.10. The participant agrees that his/her personal data that he/she submitted will be managed to ensure a smooth process of the organised race and for the capture and submission of results. The organisers undertake to manage the data precisely, honestly and legally, and to store it in such a form that the identity of the data subjects could be determined not for longer than it is required for the goals for which this data was collected and managed.

  1. Registration of results

6.1. Marathons use electronic time tracking system called My Laps. All participants shall have to confirm the participant’s race bib provided in the start kit at the steering handle in which the sensors are installed according to which the completion of the route time and intermediate times shall be measured.

6.2. Starting time is the same for all participants – i.e. when the chief judge gives the permission to start. The finish time is captured when crossing the start-finish arch’s pad of results registration.

6.3. The finish is closed 4 hours after the start of the main race and the results are no longer captured.

6.4. Preliminary race results during the race are announced at the start/finish village and online After the announcement of the preliminary results the participants have the right to notify about the detected inaccuracies or defects in the results within 3 days via e-mail at info[at] After 3 days the final unchanged results are announced with the general and teams standings calculators.

  1. Standings of teams

7.1. In the marathons cup, standings of Top Men, Top Women and Maxi Teams shall be calculated in order to determine which winning teams shall be awarded with cash and valuable sponsor prizes.

7.1.1. A team that officially registered and paid the fee, acquires the right to build a tent (max size 3x4m) and 2 standard flags of the events near the tent (no more than 3 m from the tent). Tents and flags (lay-out, visual appearance) have to be coordinated with the organisers before the end of the registration of stage online. The place for tents is indicated by the organiser.

7.1.2. Participants of non-team standings wishing to build a tent in the teams zone have to pay the fee of 300 € for all 5 stages or 100 € for one stage. The fee is paid directly to the settlement account of the public company “Instinktas” club indicated in article 12. 7.1.3. The tents are built with no right to conduct sales or other commercial activity without the consent of the organisers.

7.2. Top Men team standings

7.2.1. 10 participants can register to the Top Men teams that cycle full distance of the marathon.

7.2.2. The list is submitted at the beginning of the season before the end of the first stage pre-registration and it can be supplemented to the full quota of 10 participants during the season. After having used up the full quota of the team, the list can no longer be corrected. At every stage the points of 3 participants that were the best in the general men standings are included into the standings.

7.2.3. Participants representing the TOP teams during the entire season of the marathon cup have to indicate the same team in the personal and the TOP standings registration. Otherwise the organisers reserve the right to annul these participants’ TOP standings results of the entire season.

7.2.4. Teams participating in the Top Men standings pay additional registration fee of 250 € which shall be used to form the cash prize fund of the team standings. The fee is paid directly to the settlement account of the public company “Instinktas” club indicated in article 12.

7.3. Top Women team standings

7.3.1. 5 participants can register to the Top Women teams that cycle full distance of the marathon.

7.3.2. The list is submitted at the beginning of the season before the end of the first stage pre-registration and it can be supplemented to the full quota of 5 participants during the season. After having used up the full quota of the team, the list can no longer be corrected. At every stage the points of 3 participants that were the best in the general Women standings are included into the standings.

7.3.3. Participants representing the TOP teams during the entire season of the marathon cup have to indicate the same team in the personal and the TOP standings registration. Otherwise the organisers reserve the right to annul these participants’ TOP standings results of the entire season.

7.3.4. Teams participating in the Top Women standings pay additional registration fee of 150 € which shall be used to form the cash prize fund of the team standings. The fee is paid directly to the settlement account of the public company “Instinktas” club indicated in article 12.

7.4. Maxi team standings

7.4.1. An unlimited number of participants can register to Maxi teams, regardless of the distance of the marathon. The total travelled distance of all team members in kilometres is included in the team standings at every stage.

7.4.2. The team composition can be supplemented or changed before every stage of the marathon, informing the organisers before the end of the pre-registration of the stage.

7.4.3. Participants representing MAXI teams during the entire season of the marathon cup have to indicate the same team in the personal and the MAXI standings registration. Otherwise the organisers reserve the right to annul these participants’ MAXI standings results of the entire season.

7.4.4. Teams participating in the Maxi standing spay additional registration fee of 250 € which shall be used to form the cash prize fund of the team standings. The fee is paid directly to the settlement account of the public company “Instinktas” club indicated in article 12.


7.5. General

7.5.1. Team registration is done by the appointed team leader. He/she completes the electronic form on the website before the end the pre-registration of every stage (for Top standings it is accepted only before the end of the online pre-registration of the first marathon stage).

7.5.2. Top team participants may also be Maxi team participants.

7.5.3. For the convenience of the participants, the organisers mark the car parking zone at every stage. It is intended to be used only to park vehicles, any other activity that has not been coordinated with the organisers in advance is forbidden.

7.5.4. Every participant agrees that photos and filmed material from the event where he/she can be seen can be used by the Organiser for the purposes of the event promotion without a separate consent. Other matters mentioned in the Provisions are solved by the Organiser.

  1. Determination and awarding of winners

8.1. First 3 men to complete the full marathon distance (3 laps) and first 3 women to complete 2 laps shall be additionally awarded with cash prizes at every stage: 1 place – 150 €, 2 place – 100 €, 3 place – 50 €. If less than 20 participants start in the category, the cash prizes can be estimated at the discretion of the organisers.

8.2. The absolute (sports group, all stages) winners and prize-winners of the marathon shall be awarded with cash prizes, cups and other valuable prizes.

8.3. The final winners of the marathon shall be announced and the prizes shall be awarded after summing up the points of 4 marathon stages in which the participant was the best, i.e. gained the most points of all 5 stages in which he/she participated. The results shall be summed up in accordance with the points system. Points for each stage will be calculated according to the following formula: the winner receives 1000 points, points of other positions: winner’s time divided by time elapsed and multiplied by 1000.

8.4. Top Men team standings results shall be calculated by summing up total points of the 5 marathon stages: points gained by the best 3 out of 5 team members at every stage are summed up. Top Women team standings results shall be calculated by summing up the total points of the 5 marathon stages: points gained by the best 2 out of 3 team members at every stage are summed up. Team standings are only calculated if 5 or more teams are registered. If there are less than 5 teams in the standings, the registration fee is returned to the individuals of teams responsible.

8.5. Maxi teams results of the standings shall be calculated by summing up the kilometres cycled by all the members of the team (taking into account whether it is half marathon or full marathon distance).

8.6. All participants that successfully complete the marathon’s route can order commemorative diplomas indicating the route completion time and position in the group. The winners and prize-winners in all age groups as well as children and youth under 16 years old are awarded with prizes and gifts only if they completed the full marathon distance.

8.7. Age group that has less than 5 participants is joined with the higher group.

  1. Additional services

9.1. On the marathon route the participants will be provided with free beverages and energy drinks as well as light snacks.

9.2. At the place of start/finish and at the intermediate finish the bike technical support service shall operate.

9.3. Route completion time shall be captured at the intermediate finish.

  1. Claims

10.1. Claims regarding the registration, violations of the provisions rules may be submitted only in written to the secretariat at the race centre. Claims are accepted after the end of every stage not later than 30 minutes after the last participant’s finish. When submitting a claim a deposit of 50 € must be paid which shall not be returned if the claim is determined to be unreasonable.

10.2. The claim is analysed by the jury of the Race.

  1. Information on the race

11.1. Information about the organisation of the event:
tel. +370 69022221, e-mail: info[at], Public institution “Instinktas” club.

  1. Bank details for payment of teams fee:

Receiver – VšĮ klubas „Instinktas“
Company code – 300154453
Bank: AB “Swedbank”
Bank code: 73000

Bank account: LT427300010116022940
The purpose of payment – team tent fee or TOP/MAXI team registration fee for (name of the team).